Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Lost Diamond in the Century

Lots of beautiful stuff happening in the 60's. What we, the 80's babies are still lucky to live in the ending of hand drawn animation and wild imagination without being "blue". Dream is still beautiful in the 60's, this is the color of hope.

"Yellow Submarine" and the opening credits

"Nowhere Man"

BBC Documentary- How Art Made the World

I am a person who always wanted to know the origin of everything. For example, when working on maths, if i don't know why this affect that, than i would be very frustrated~~! And later on, I choosed to work with Art. And starting to wonder about the Origin of Arts.

Borrowed the DVD from company's library. But Disc 1 is lost and replaced by some other cd (oh~ people!) The show was presented by Dr Nigel Spivey from Cambridge University, Producer: Mark Hedgecoe. Dr Nigel has the charm in Tv, and they really plan the flow and visual really well.

The most important concept i've learnt: How the story telling works for the Kings and rulers in the past, and how death and fear works for the ruller/religion to dominate, why do people tend to make the icon of death surrounding us, how death motivates soldiers to sacrifice themselves for the greater good and so on. Many psychological test, research were done. Ideas that goes in depth but represented in simple and understandable way that everyone could understand. For those who are always wondering the origins of everything and why, this is a show which helps to open up the scale of your vision, truly inspiring!




“ 除卻男女主角的互相思念,故事的主軸就是1Q84的世界。看完之後,我不能說我明白了,但我也不能說我什麼也看不懂。事實上得到了很多東西,對很多的部份有著不同的感想,不過我卻想著我是不是會錯意了。像是有關於教團和教祖的部份,在故事前半段透過戎野老師的描述和老婦人的描述,無論從哪個觀點看都是邪教教團啊,但實際見到教祖之後,卻又覺得不是那麼一回事。我想著,這也許就是當我們是局外人時,只會想著信徒為什麼那麼笨;但實際接觸到之後,卻又覺得其實也是有點道理?即使看完之後我也不知道自己是不是會錯意了,但也許好的小說就是這樣,敘述出來的故事是容許讀者自由思考的。”转自:


从来就不读小说的我,开始想要读更多(为什么突然开始读?因为发现我喜欢的作家,于是开始寻找到底是谁启发了我所欣赏的人)。很享受思想经历碰撞的时刻。话说这是作者村上春树写得最困难的书。村上春树大概30岁才开始写小说。从小就热爱文学,也是个非常有想法主见的人。就是一直热爱与坚持着自己喜欢与相信的事(剩下的就自己google 下啦~对不起太累了。。。)也许同是水瓶座的关系,他的生平也为我带来很大的鼓舞!



很期待book3 &4